Featured shelters for the Holiday Season: Animais de Albergaria-a-Velha & Animais Águeda
Hi all!
In September 15th Portugal was assolated by devastating wildfires which threatened houses, people, and animals alike.
Two shelters were in the middle of this calamity: Animais de Albergaria-a-Velha and Animais Águeda. We decided to support thier cause until the end of the year so we can help them as much as we can during this holiday season!
For that reason we decided to rise the support to 20% of all sales. So everytime you purchase anything with us 20% of that sale will go to them (10% each). We will also have dedicated raffles/auctions to help the cause further!
All shares are appreciated so we can reach further :D
If you have any suggestions leave on the comment section below, send us a message via the form on ourContact Us page,or via emailhello@petplushies.net.
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